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Service Recover: Advanced Strategies in CX Management


Gustavo Imhof

Head of CX, CXAhead

Katie Stabler

Founder & Director of CX, CULTIVATE

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What will you learn?

Service recovery: what it is and why it matters
Katie Stabler dives into an unheard aspect of offering seamless customer experience – service recovery and why it is crucial for any business
The golden rules to acing service recovery
Discover the key things to keep in mind when dealing with approaching the resolution of complaints or issues raised by customers.
Conversational AI & service recovery
Learn how artifical intelligence and service recovery go hand-in-hand while trying to mitigate customer issues and provide a seamless experience.

About Speakers

Gustavo Imhof

Head of CX, CXAhead

Gus believes in creating experiences that ensures your users remember you when and where it matters the most. He has a number of achievements under his belt. Gus comes with over 9 years of experience in CX and has worked in various leadership roles.

Katie Stabler

Founder & Director of CX, CULTIVATE

Katie is passionate about all things customer. She is experienced in developing customer-focused strategies within organisations that want to focus on continuous improvement and customer care. She has launched on her own and has a very unique messaging in the CX space. She is all about service recovery and how to properly address issues.

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