named a Challenger in 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for ECAIP

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Train Your Bot on 1000’s of Pages in Minutes

Sounds impossible, right? Its not. All you have to do is connect our platform with your knowledge base and let our NLP models intelligently generate questions, understand intent, extract answers and Voila! Your FAQ bot is ready.






Minutes to
launch the bot



Additional queries served

Precise & relevant search from thousands of
knowledge sources

Use power of AI to point your users to the exact sentence in your documents

Our cognitive search algorithm uses ML models like BERT & Transformer to ensure that search results are always precise & contextual to your user’s query

Use power of AI to point your users to the exact sentence in your documents

Enable business users to curate thousands of auto-generated FAQs

Automatically generated questions save you hundreds of hours of FAQ creation effort. Your business users can curate these FAQs right from the platform before training the bot

Enable business users to curate thousands of auto-generated FAQs

Cut across silos with a contextual search interface

Be it your website, support portal or internal knowledge, the Insights Interface helps users find information from across departments & repositories, all in a single place, based on the context of their query

Cut across silos with a contextual search interface

Deploy with 20+ knowledge sources in a matter of minutes

It’s no-code, quick and simple to deploy. Just connect your knowledge base & we take care of syncing & auto-indexing your documents as they change.

Deploy with 20+ knowledge sources in a matter of minutes

Take control to boost the quality and
relevance of your searches

Active-learning through in-widget user feedback

Our document viewer allows users to give quick & easy feedback on the results shown which is then put to work to improve your search results better through self learning

Active-learning through in-widget user feedback

Use labelling studio to test & train the model

Enable your business teams to curate results and give direct feedback to the model for improved search accuracy & better control

Use labelling studio to test & train the model

Get detailed insights on query topics & document quality

See what kind of queries your users are asking, what is their satisfaction level and the documents or topics that need your team’s attention

Get detailed insights on query topics & document quality

Add your organization’s taxonomy for more relevant results

Every organization and industry has specific terminology. You can add synonyms and stop words related to your industry to improve the model further

Add your organization’s taxonomy for more relevant results

Try our native knowledge base connectors for
faster deployment

Google drive


Amazon cloud services

Microsoft Sharepoint

Service now

Build your first dynamic AI chatbot in under 10 clicks