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The Art of Creating Meaningful Impact with Your CX Strategy


Neil Barman

Chief Growth Officer,

Alex Mead

Global Customer Service Experience Director, Customer Service Experience Leadership & Transformation

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What will you learn?

A glance where most CX initiatives go wrong
Alex Mead, a popular CX influencer dives into the most common mistakes businesses make while building their CX strategy.
Key focus areas of CX in a post-pandemic world
Learn where CX executives should align their focus in the new normal to ensure that their CX strategy is human-centric and customer-centric
The role of AI and automation in CX transformation
A deep-dive into how AI and automation is a crucial part of designing customer self-service and improving CSAT.

About Speakers

Neil Barman

Chief Growth Officer,

Neil has 16+ years of experience, with experience in SaaS and direct-to-consumer sales and marketing processes. He has strong business leadership in managing sales, marketing and account management functions in IT services or IT products environment. Neil has quite the experience in handling inside-sales teams and business development teams and in driving lead generation through various channels.

Alex Mead

Global Customer Service Experience Director, Customer Service Experience Leadership & Transformation

Alex leads contact centre, customer service & operations teams, driving CX innovation, delivering top class customer experiences, operations efficiency & customer loyalty. He is also passionate about CX, UX & CRM strategy, digital transformation and believes in hands-on leadership. He has led multiple contact centre improvements, voice, digital & social innovation.

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