named a Challenger in 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for ECAIP

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5 Ways to Delight
Your Customers with AI-Powered Self Service

Customer experience (CX) is the new currency in business. The way you interact with customers can make or break your brand-and well they are noticing. They’re repeating personal information, waiting on hold and talking to overworked agents who often aren’t friendly or helpful enough for them, and well this comes at a high cost. Organizations must understand that if they don’t improve their CX, 96% of consumers will leave before ever returning to the brand; so it should be top priority now more than ever for organizations because the longer you might take to solve customer problem, the sooner they will leave your brand for someone better.

Some of the major challenges that support center leaders are contending with include:

Uncertain economy

A recession may be on the horizon which will impact costs and revenue.

High employee turnover

The turnover rate for the support center industry ranges between 30-45% the highest of any industry.

High customer acquisition costs (CAC)

Although acquisition costs vary by industry, a study finds that the average CAC ranges from $205 for SaaS companies to $640 for financial services firms.

Low worker productivity

Worker productivity fell 7.5% in the first quarter of 2022, the biggest decline since 1947.

Declining customer satisfaction (CSAT)

As of the fourth quarter of 2021, almost 80% of companies have failed to increase their customers’ satisfaction since 2010.

High agent training costs

Training new employees costs an average of $1,071 per individual.

Access this whitepaper to get insights on:


Challenges of support center leaders


Customer care – a new strategic focus


Traditional chatbots vs Intelligent dynamic AI agents


How smarter bots are enabling automation and self serve


Top five benefits of dynamic AI agents

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